Komodo Island Tours

The Komodo Tours Indonesia is the window to glimpse the wonderful Flores and Komodo. It allows you to see the extremely beautiful and memorable Flores and Komodo, Its nature and people. The Komodo Island Tours is one of the highly recommended company based in Labuan Bajo – Flores, Indonesia. A friend who assist and help you to discover the greatness of Flores and Komodo. The Komodo Island Tours organizes the Flores Overland tour, Komodo trip and Komodo diving in which you get in touch with its people and nature. Komodo Island Tours was developed to accommodate visitors who want to spend their vacation in Komodo Island. Here are some tourist packages we suggest if you would like to visit Komodo dragon Lizard and witness its wild life firsthand.

Jalan Soekarno - Hatta - Labuan Bajo
Jl. Gunung Merapi No. 30 Denpasar - Bali
W : http://www.ktwtours.com
W : http://www.ktwtours.com
T : +62.812399.22222
T : +6281236016914
E : ktwtour@gmail.com
E : ktwtour@gmail.com


Komodo Dragon Tours


Komodo Island forms part of the chain of islands towards the east of Indonesia commonly known as the Lesser Sunda Islands. Komodo Island and its surrounding islands are of specific scientific interest and therefore the Komodo National Park has been established. The island offers world class diving, and of course the chance to engage with the endemic world’s largest monitor lizard, the Komodo Dragon. The island has an area of 390km2 and a population of roughly 2000 ethnic Bugis.
We as Komodo Tours agent is an established organization and specializes in facilitating tours and trips. Its professional staff are multilingual, and have a wide knowledge of the island. There is comprehensive information available about the island, a variety of tour packages, Komodo Island diving tours, day trips, plus trekking and overland tours too. To get to Komodo Island one first needs to reach Flores. This is most accessible from either Bali or Lombok, and entry gates are either Labuan Bajo or Maumere. There are regular daily flights from Denpasar Bali to Labuan Bajo and Maumere, making bookings strait forward, and trips can be arranges from anything from two up to eight days at a time.
Typical ventures include jungle trekking, scuba diving, snorkeling, and fishing, and on these ventures you can really appreciate the vastness of Komodo’s biodiversity, pristine marine environment, and crystal clear waters. There are of course spectacular views of breathtaking scenery, natural formations, and countryside to be savored and various species of wild animals to be encountered. Komodo Tours is a truly unique experience and cannot be compared to anywhere else in the world. This part of Indonesia is nothing like Bali, Sumatera, or Java, since the Lesser Sunda Islands are separated by a deep underwater fissure known a s the Wallace line, and this represents totally different geology, climate, and both flora and fauna. Komodo Tours is capable of designing a tailor made tour to suit the needs and capabilities of the accompanying party. The service is therefore highly personalized which is very impressive. Catering is highly regarded and all welcome guests are constantly attended to, fed, watered, and not just left out to dry! Eco Tours organized by Komodo Tours will also make certain that guests get a chance to see and get up and personal with the surrounding beautiful islands called Rinca, Bidadari, plus many others.
The boats and equipment used on Komodo Tours are second to none. Even if the sea decides to whip up a breeze and spray the decks, then the boats luxurious interiors are sure to comfort you. The compartments are design for elite travelers who like to travel in style and luxury. The staff have over a decade of experience and will be sure to look after your heath and safety and happily welcome you aboard.

Komodo Island Tours 2 Days

The 2 Days Komodo Tour is offered for those who are on a limited time scale and wish to see the very highlights of the areas of Komodo is relation to the magnificent creature on the land and under the water and get a grasp of the culture. This is a great chance to add a new dimension into your Bali holiday and witness part of the diversity of Indonesia as an entire country with so many different cultures and landscapes within it. You will be able to view the fabled Komodo dragon on this 2 days Komodo Tour which is the world’s largest lizard that grows over 10ft in length and frequently weighs over 365 pounds. These creatures have been known to be dangerous taking children from building as well as large animals from farms.
These creatures are best viewed with a guide who is an expert so that you can be safe. There are certain times in the day when the dragons must remain calm and not active to regulate their body temperature so it is then safe to see them. As with most Komodo tours actually begin from your hotel in Bali and then proceeds to the airport by air conditioned transport. You will then fly to Labuan Bajo in West Flores where you must take the water transfer over to the Rinca Island where on your first afternoon you will be able to have a Komodo dragon experience. You will also see all of the other unusual and interesting animals of the area as you trek through this strange dry island and soak up its beauty and strangeness. From here the local ranger will lead you to the preservation where you will be able to the young dragons that are breed and tend to stay in the low down branches of the trees.

Tentang Komodo

Komodo atau yang dalam bahasa latin disebut varanus komodoensis adalah spesies kadal terbesar di dunia yang hidup di pulau Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, dan Gili Dasami di Nusa Tenggara. Biawak ini oleh penduduk asli pulau Komodo juga disebut dengan nama setempat ora.
Termasuk anggota famili biawak Varanidae dan klad Toxicofera, komodo merupakan kadal terbesar di dunia dengan rata-rata panjang 2 – 3 m. Ukurannya yang besar ini berhubungan dengan gejala gigantisme pulau yakni kecenderungan meraksasanya tubuh hewan-hewan tertentu yang hidup di pulau kecil terkait dengan tidak adanya mamalia karnivora di pulau tempat hidup komodo, dan laju metabolisme komodo yang kecil. Karena besar tubuhnya, kadal ini menduduki posisi predator puncak yang mendominasi ekosistem tempatnya hidup.

Komodo dragon ditemukan oleh peneliti barat tahun 1910. Tubuhnya yang besar dan reputasinya yang mengerikan membuat mereka populer di kebun binatang. Habitat komodo di alam bebas telah menyusut akibat aktivitas manusia dan karenanya IUCN memasukkan komodo sebagai spesies yang rentan terhadap kepunahan. Biawak besar ini kini dilindungi di bawah peraturan pemerintah Indonesia dan sebuah taman nasional, yaitu Taman Nasional Komodo, didirikan untuk melindungi mereka.

Anatomi dan Morfologi

Di alam bebas, komodo dewasa biasanya memiliki massa sekitar 70 kilogram, namun komodo yang dipelihara di penangkaran sering memiliki bobot tubuh yang lebih besar. Spesimen liar terbesar yang pernah ada memiliki panjang sebesar 3.13 meter dan berat sekitar 166 kilogram, termasuk berat makanan yang belum dicerna di dalam perutnya. Meski komodo tercatat sebagai kadal terbesar yang masih hidup, namun bukan yang terpanjang. Reputasi ini dipegang oleh biawak Papua (Varanus salvadorii). Komodo memiliki ekor yang sama panjang dengan tubuhnya, dan sekitar 60 buah gigi yang bergerigi tajam sepanjang sekitar 2.5 cm, yang kerap diganti. Air liur komodo sering kali bercampur sedikit darah karena giginya hampir seluruhnya dilapisi jaringan gingiva dan jaringan ini tercabik selama makan. Kondisi ini menciptakan lingkungan pertumbuhan yang ideal untuk bakteri mematikan yang hidup di mulut mereka. Komodo memiliki lidah yang panjang, berwarna kuning dan bercabang. Komodo jantan lebih besar daripada komodo betina, dengan warna kulit dari abu-abu gelap sampai merah batu bata, sementara komodo betina lebih berwarna hijau buah zaitun, dan memiliki potongan kecil kuning pada tenggorokannya. Komodo muda lebih berwarna, dengan warna kuning, hijau dan putih pada latar belakang hitam.

Komodo Dragon tak memiliki indera pendengaran, meski memiliki lubang telinga. Biawak ini mampu melihat hingga sejauh 300 m, namun karena retinanya hanya memiliki sel kerucut, hewan ini agaknya tak begitu baik melihat di kegelapan malam. Komodo mampu membedakan warna namun tidak seberapa mampu membedakan obyek yang tak bergerak. Komodo menggunakan lidahnya untuk mendeteksi rasa dan mencium stimuli, seperti reptil lainnya, dengan indera vomeronasal memanfaatkan organ Jacobson, suatu kemampuan yang dapat membantu navigasi pada saat gelap. Dengan bantuan angin dan kebiasaannya menelengkan kepalanya ke kanan dan ke kiri ketika berjalan, komodo dragon dapat mendeteksi keberadaan daging bangkai sejauh 4—9.5 kilometer. Lubang hidung komodo bukan merupakan alat penciuman yang baik karena mereka tidak memiliki sekat rongga badan. Hewan ini tidak memiliki indra perasa di lidahnya, hanya ada sedikit ujung-ujung saraf perasa di bagian belakang tenggorokan.

Sisik-sisik komodo, beberapa di antaranya diperkuat dengan tulang, memiliki sensor yang terhubung dengan saraf yang memfasilitasi rangsang sentuhan. Sisik-sisik di sekitar telinga, bibir, dagu dan tapak kaki memiliki tiga sensor rangsangan atau lebih.

Komodo dragon pernah dianggap tuli ketika penelitian mendapatkan bahwa bisikan, suara yang meningkat dan teriakan ternyata tidak mengakibatkan agitasi (gangguan) pada komodo liar. Hal ini terbantah kemudian ketika karyawan Kebun Binatang London ZSL, Joan Proctor melatih biawak untuk keluar makan dengan suaranya, bahkan juga ketika ia tidak terlihat oleh si biawak.

Ekologi, Perilaku dan Cara Hidup

Komodo secara alami hanya ditemui di Indonesia, di pulau Komodo, Flores dan Rinca dan beberapa pulau lainnya di Nusa Tenggara. Hidup di padang rumput kering terbuka, sabana dan hutan tropis pada ketinggian rendah, biawak ini menyukai tempat panas dan kering ini. Mereka aktif pada siang hari, walaupun kadang-kadang aktif juga pada malam hari. Komodo adalah binatang yang penyendiri, berkumpul bersama hanya pada saat makan dan berkembang biak. Reptil besar ini dapat berlari cepat hingga 20 kilometer per jam pada jarak yang pendek; berenang dengan sangat baik dan mampu menyelam sedalam 4.5 meter; serta pandai memanjat pohon menggunakan cakar mereka yang kuat. Untuk menangkap mangsa yang berada di luar jangkauannya, komodo dapat berdiri dengan kaki belakangnya dan menggunakan ekornya sebagai penunjang. Dengan bertambahnya umur, komodo lebih menggunakan cakarnya sebagai senjata, karena ukuran tubuhnya yang besar menyulitkannya memanjat pohon.
Untuk tempat berlindung, komodo menggali lubang selebar 1–3 meter dengan tungkai depan dan cakarnya yang kuat. Karena besar tubuhnya dan kebiasaan tidur di dalam lubang, komodo dapat menjaga panas tubuhnya selama malam hari dan mengurangi waktu berjemur pada pagi selanjutnya. Komodo dragon umumnya berburu pada siang hingga sore hari, tetapi tetap berteduh selama bagian hari yang terpanas. Tempat-tempat sembunyi komodo ini biasanya berada di daerah gumuk atau perbukitan dengan semilir angin laut, terbuka dari vegetasi, dan di sana-sini berserak kotoran hewan penghuninya. Tempat ini umumnya juga merupakan lokasi yang strategis untuk menyergap rusa.

Perilaku Makan

Komodo dragon adalah hewan karnivora. Walaupun mereka kebanyakan makan daging bangkai, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mereka juga berburu mangsa hidup dengan cara mengendap-endap diikuti dengan serangan tiba-tiba terhadap korbannya. Ketika mangsa itu tiba di dekat tempat sembunyi komodo, hewan ini segera menyerangnya pada sisi bawah tubuh atau tenggorokan. Komodo dapat menemukan mangsanya dengan menggunakan penciumannya yang tajam, yang dapat menemukan binatang mati atau sekarat pada jarak hingga 9,5 kilometer.

Komodo Package Tour

The Komodo Package Tours usually begin in Bali with air conditioned transport from your hotel to the airport and then a flight to Labuhan Bajo in the west of Flores. From here you then take a boat out to the Komodo Island and the Rinca Island where the adventure begins.
This Komodo tours usually only takes a morning and then you will be witnessing the beauty and wildlife of these areas before you take your first nights accommodation in this strange and magical land. It has never been easier to make these kind of Komodo Tours with more frequent flights and tour operators who specialize in linking and transferring tourists quickly across to other areas in Indonesia and combined this service with deals on over night stays and meals at recommended hotels and restaurants. This means that not only is it faster and stress less to use these services, it is also invariably cheaper and a more effective use of your time in the area.
You will be accompanied by a guide who is a local and has a keen knowledge and interest in the area and about the safety precautions when trekking through on the Komodo Adventure Tours, he will be able to fill you in on the historical facts and the facts about the animals of Komodo. You are guaranteed to see the magnificent and terrifying Komodo dragons as it walks in its natural landscape. This is one of the only areas in the world where these beasts can be spotted in the wild. There have been new safety measures that mean that the local people and the Komodo dragons can live side by side although it is not allowed to feed the dragons now. You will also see some of the other strange indigenous animals such as the flying foxes of the mangroves and the giant rats. There are also other large lizards to see in this beautiful land ad as if all of this was not enough you will get chance to snorkel around the bays and lagoons and see the thriving marine life of the area.

Komodo National Park Tour

The Komodo National Park or KNP is located with the archipelago of Indonesia between the beautiful islands of Sumbawa and Flores. The park is a huge expanding project that is currently 1817km and with the current expansion plans this will soon be extending to 2,321km2 including marine and land reserves. The current threats and issues that the Komodo National Park deal with differ between species and the states of the ecosystems from with they are from.The Komodo National Park is the leading contributor to the maintaining and reintroduction plans for many endangered species such as the orange-footed fowl, the Timor deer and a number of endemic rodents. Underwater the situation is different, the main focuses on marine life are combating the over fishing of commercial species and the protection of the damage in which these dramatic declines in biomass inflict upon these unstable ecosystems and protection of coral and all marine life from the destructive and indiscriminative techniques that are often employed in Indonesia such as dynamite, cyanide and indiscriminative netting methods that collect far more unwanted fish then the target fish. Coral environments have evolved to respond only to very slow changes in their environment and this kind of destructive practice has to be combated.The Komodo National Park's focus underwater is concentrated the coral reefs themselves, the mangroves, seabed grasses, semi enclosed bays and seamounts, all of which are represented from with the respective areas of the park.

Reaching the national park is not difficult despite its secluded tropical location, most guests visit as part of a trip based in either Sumbawa or Flores and reach the Komodo National Park via Labuan Bajo in the west Flores area or from Bima, the gateway city in eastern Sumbawa. It is also possible to fly directly into Labuan Bajo from Bali Denpasar everyday on airlines such as Indonesia Air Transport (IAT) and Trans Nusa airlines that also offer flights from Java. These are always cheap and short flights making a short trip to the Komodo National Park an easy day out from many of the Indonesian Islands.

The Komodo National Park has over 1000 species of rare fish, 260 species of progressive base line coral that actually create the reefs themselves and 7 species of sponges that are essential to the surface of the reef. Large species are also present including sharks, Dugong, manta rays, over 14 species of endangered whales, dolphins and the now recovering giant turtles. Awareness of these programs is essential to the improvements of these situations which are of huge importance in the future of the world's biosphere. Come and marvel at the wonders and hope instilled in the National Park and contribute to the progress.The Komodo National Park is an excellent day out for all the family where some of the rarest and most wonderful creatures are viewable in their natural surrounding, protected from the dangers that the modern world has inflicted upon them.

Joining of our our Komodo Adventure Tours will complete your travel experience in the tropical island of Flores in West Manggarai. This Komodo Tours can be started from Bali by flying into Labuan Bajo on the western part of Flores in East Nusa Tenggara. The tours to visit the Komodo Dragon range from 2 days to 4 days tours depending on the days of your travel plan. Nothing is really hard to go on an adventure tours like we do for Komodo. The travel preparation is simple from booking the airline ticket from Bali to Labuan Bajo and return, accommodation, boat and card transfers.

Why Travel to Komodo and Flores ?

Komodo National Park is one of the Indonesia's national park covering hundreds of small islands on the western part of Flores in East Nusa Tenggara. Travel to West Flores are easily made from major cities in Indonesia by planes, bus and Pelni. The fastest way to reach Labuan Bajo is by air which is around an hour and 15 minutes flights. Your Komodo tours starts from Labuan Bajo then continue with boat trip to Rinca Island, Komodo Island and other small un-inhabited islands nearby. The customized Komodo adventure tours and travel package range from day tour if you are staying in Labuan Bajo, 2 days Komodo tour to 6 days Komodo Diving Tour. The more days you have, the bigger opportunities you will have to explore the surrounding islands. Komodo adventure tour and travel package does not only visiting the giant lizard or the dragons but take a chance to explore the beauty of under water world within the Komodo National Park. Diving, snorkeling and fishing are your adventure activities that any one can not wait.

Flores Island offers breathtaking panoramic views, amazing underwater world and rural trekking areas. By combining your Komodo and Flores Adventure Tour, you will have the chance to enjoy the natural beauty of the island and interact with the local people. How to manage your Komodo Tours and Travel Package efficiently at reasonable prices. With us your adventure tour to other parts of Indonesia including Komodo in West Flores will be easy. All special tour are offered at discount rates. As the Komodo adventure tour departs daily from Bali, it will be efficient to plan the tour including air fare or without air fare. But if you take Komodo Tours then proceeding the adventure tour to other parts of Flores Island, we suggest to take our Komodo Tours without air fare.
Komodo Adventure Tours and Travel is your travel partner for the adveture trip to island of Flores and other island in East Nusa Tenggara as easiest as possible. Komodo Tours Travel features complete Komodo travel information, Komodo tour packages, Komodo scuba diving tours, overland tours and day trips at special prices.Tour to Flores Island in East Nusa Tenggara can be easily arranged from Bali or Lombok. Choose your trip from 1 day tour to 8 days overland tour in Flores combining with Komodo National Park. Flights from Bali to Labuan Bajo are served daily by Lion Air, Garuda Indonesia, and Nam Air.
Komodo Adventure Tours is catered to perfecting your pleasurable holiday moments with very flexible schedules of trekking the island's best spots, hiking on inland lush green hills, sailing beyond gleaming waves, or a real adventure to comprehending the humbling local habits and customs. Moreover, your own tailor made planning adjusted as well to native expertise's advices may determine where the endearing journey begins and ends. By the end of your Komodo and Flores trip, there will always be something new to tell or to recollect. Get inspired and embark on a pleasurable Komodo tours of Indonesia's best kept secrets right now!
Although strong sea breeze may chill you up outside, the boat's inside exudes luxurious compartment designated for elite travelers traversing from Labuan Bajo to Komodo National Park including Rinca, Padar, Kalong and Bidarari Islands in style. More than a decade experience ensures your safety, while either the leisure cruise or the live aboard ushers you across the ocean conveniently. International cruise liners teamed up with local cruise aficionados will conduct the sailing. Most importantly, all is available at a very reasonable low price.

Traveling in groups can be done discreetly as you charter private boats for personal or business matters. We delightfully propose irresistible rate offer that would be hard to resist. click here for the current rates. Especially for busy executives or businessmen who desire for a new kind of thrill, Komodo Adventure Tours and Travel provides innovative adventure tours that are nowhere else to find. The alternative adventure trips have rendered a unique way to captivate different facets of landscaped beauty that most people have not yet savored. A few day adventure trip to Komodo National Park is the best way to start. Behold the exotic Komodo dragon shambling along the island's pink tinted beaches and let an incredible stay at Bali's high end luxurious resorts follow afterwards.

Visiting Flores with us on selected adventure tours and overland trip will be completed if you include the exciting Komodo Tours and diving on the trip itinerary. When planning an adventure tour in Indonesia, think West Flores on the top of your choice. West Flores is rich on natural beauty and amazing marine life's. West Flores is a great adventure travel destination especially for diving, fishing and jungle trekking. Wide range of tour activities can be arranged here.
The adventure tours in Flores is a wonderful adventure trip where you can see the breathtaking view of mountains, hills, the amazing underwater world, various species of wild animals. It is one of the most recommended adventure tours in Indonesia. The adventure tours and scuba diving around the Komodo National Park of West Flores creates a truly unforgettable experience.Large collection of fishes, corals, and the most famous giant lizard, Komodo Dragon are available here in Komodo National Park and Flores Island. Start your trip from Labuan Bajo and go futher to east of Flores Island such as Ende and Maumere. Explore hundreds of un-inhabited islands around the Komodo National Park.

Komodo Dragon Tours

Komodo Island Tours is local online tour operator where we can arrange your holiday in Komodo and Flores Island by provided tour with Komodo Island Tours Driver and Guide. The beautiful Komodo and Flores Island consisting of images and stories about people, Nature, Culture, art and performance, Floresnese ceremonies, Komodo and floresnese daily life, Komodo and Flores Beaches, the largest living Lizard in the planet komodo dragon (varanus komodoeansis) Under water panoramic komodo national park and Komodo Island Tours able to share the beauty and uniqueness of Komodo and Flores Island.
It's so happy if people from different countries knows what Komodo and Flores Likes, we want to showing Komodo and Flores to people around the world so they know Komodo and Flores island is Realy Beauty and Unique. That's why we are set up this online tour and we wish this online program is useful when you want to visit Komodo and Flores Island, and we are from Komodo Island Tours always ready to help you and as your friend to explore Komodo and Flores island. Available Komodo and Flores tour service from Dragon Island Tours are: Komodo Dragon Tours, Komodo Dragon diving tours, Komodo dragon combinations culture tours, Komodo dragon combinations flores overlandtours, Car charter and many other activities during your holiday in Komodo and Flores. please sit comfortably and Enjoy going through of our web pages. Komodo Island Tours is a Local Tour operator service in Komodo Flores and Travel Guide site which manage by original Flonesnese people. The website has been designed with you in the mind. We do hope the information contained will help you to find your way arround Komodo and Flores Island.

Komodo Liveaboard

Komodo Liveaboard offers a broad range of Indonesian Liveaboards vessels to accommodate everyone’s budget and comfort request. Komodo Liveaboards Boat List Index will give you a short description of these Liveaboards, from the Liveaboards Boat List page you can then select the best Komodo Liveaboards to suit your needs. So follow the links to some of the finest Liveaboards you will find anywhere in Indonesia.

You can save yourself hours of planning your Komodo Liveaboard Program right here. Just select which Komodo Liveaboard Program you preferred and best suits your needs, then Contact Us with your questions about the Liveaboard or your trip to Indonesia in general. As Southeast Asia's premier Komodo & Raja Ampat Liveaboard specialist we are experts at matching your needs to Liveaboards, so let our team of specialist help you with your selection of a world class Komodo Liveaboards safari. If you don't see exactly what you’re looking for in a Liveaboard on our website, Please Contact Komodo Liveaboards Tell us what you like and we will make a personalized itinerary for you including all internal flights & transportation.

Komodo Island And National Park

Our purpose today is to see the Komodo Dragon. This largest living lizard on earth lives on 3 islands Rinca, Padar Island & Komodo and some parts of West Flores. Its length can go up to 3 meters with weight of up to 90 kilo. 

On our visit to Komodo island (Loh Liang) we walk ( 1 ½ hours ), through unspoiled nature, together with English Speaking Guide and local KNP Ranger in search of the Komodo dragons. During your visit also wild buffalo, deer, pigs and various species of tropical birds like the cockatoo can be seen. Return to Loh Liang. Here some time to see the stalls with souvenirs by the local people. Continue by boarding a local boat to visit the secluded village of “Kampung Komodo”. Little is known of the early history of the Komodo islanders, they were subjects of the Sultanate of Bima, although the island’s remoteness from Bima meant they were probably little troubled by the Sultanate other than by occasional demand for tribute. The remoteness of “Kampung Komodo” means that it is well behind your every day run of the mill village, especially with regards to the infrastructure, medication and education. You will have the opportunity to meet the people and see the way they live and visit the school (if open). Lunch on board. Then to Pantai Merah (Pink Beach), this is one of the famous destinations in Komodo National Park, supported by its pinkish sandy beach, amazing underwater marine life and stunning panorama views of the area. Relax on the beach or snorkel in the crystal clear water. Snorkeling gear provided on board. Return to the jetty of Loh Liang where the tenders of your cruise ship will return you for boarding.

Wae Rebo Traditional Village

Wae Rebo is an old Manggaraian village, situated in pleasant, isolated mountain scenery. The village offers visitors a unique opportunity to see authentic Manggarai housing and to experience the everyday life of the local community. In the village of Wae Rebo, visitors can see mbaru niang – traditional, circular cone-shaped houses with very unique architecture. Nowadays, it is still a place to hold meetings, rituals and Sunday-morning prayers together.
The village can only be reached by way of a three-hour hike (depending on your physical condition) from the lowlands. The hike is definitely worth the effort: the dense rain forest along the narrow path to Wae Rebo is one of a stunning biological diversity. Not only does it host interesting vegetation, including orchids, palms, and different ferns, but also an impressive population of singing birds.
Wae Rebo Village is a traditional village at west part of Flores, Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur. It is located in between two mountains, which is about 1200 meters above sea level.  There are 7 traditional houses made from wood, all with a rope-bundle construction in this village. These traditional houses make this village impressive and unique. The community in this village make their houses themselves, all with very natural sources from the jungle. The culture of local community as the main attraction. Their culture related to the nature, belief sytem, local tradition/custom, and social life.

Komodo Flores Tour

Komodo Flores Tour is the tourism company who managed and supported by professional teams of young Flores people who have been involved of the tourism activities since 2005. We are committed and dedicated to provide the best services to all visitors or customers and keep up long term relationships with them. Along the way, we received recognition for our work or service.

We provide the complete fun trip packages & tourist information, sightseeing information, boat charter, car rental in Flores and Komodo Island and other related information to facilitate the visitors plan to visit the beautiful Flores & Komodo Island as a seven wonders of nature in the world. We offer every assistance which may be needed by our customers in order to make their trips more memorable.

Get More travel package :
  1. Komodo Boatc Charter
  2. Komodo Tour Adventure
  3. Komodo Tour Packages
  4. Komodo Tours Diving